James Miller, Ph.D.

Department Chair,
Institute for Science Education
Professor 麻豆精品视频-AMSTI Principal Investigator


301 Sparkman Drive
Optics Building
Room 201C
Huntsville, AL 35899
Campus Map



I was born and raised in Erie PA (which is often mistaken for Cleveland, the actual "Mistake on the Lake") and went to college there at Gannon University. After tiring of the lake effect snow and blizzards, I moved to Takoma Park MD and attended the University of Maryland for my Ph.D. in physics. I was a post-doctoral research scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center until 1994, when we moved here. I've now lived in Huntsville longer than any other place.


  • Ph.D., Physics, University of Maryland, 1990
  • M.S., Physics, University of Maryland, 1986
  • B.S., Physics, Gannon University, 1984

Research Funding

  • 10/15 - 9/16: AMSTI Master Site, $2.9M, Alabama Department of Education
  • 10/14 - 9/15: AMSTI Master Site, $2.8M, Alabama Department of Education
  • 10/14 - 9/15: Alabama Science in Motion, $232k, Alabama Department of Education
  • 10/13 - 9/14: Lead Teacher Enhancement Program, $74k, Alabama Commission on Higher Education
  • 10/11 - 9/13: Content Knowledge Enhancement for Teachers, $270k, DoEd MSP


  • Solar Physics
  • Computational Physics
  • K-12 STEM Education
  • Civil War
  • Ancient Military History

Recent Publications

  • Miller, J. A., and Dermer, C. D. 1995, Abundance Enhancements in Black-Hole Accretion: Application to Gamma-Ray Line Observations of the Orion Complex, Astron. Astrophys., 298, L13

  • Miller, J. A., LaRosa, T. N., and Moore, R. L. 1996, Stochastic Electron Acceleration by Cascading Fast Mode Waves in Impulsive Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 461, 445

  • Lenters, G. T., Miller, J. A., and Sommer, J. C. 2000, A Heuristic Coulomb Collision Operator for Cylindrical Velocity Coordinates, Astrophys. J., 534, 997

  • Emslie, A. G., Miller, J. A., and Brown, J. C. 2004, An Explanation for the Different Locations of Electron and Ion Acceleration in Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 602, L69

  • Miller, J. A. 1997, Electron Acceleration in Solar Flares by Fast Mode Waves: Quasilinear Theory and Pitch-Angle Scattering, Astrophys. J., 491, 939

  • Miller, J. A., Cargill, P. J., Emslie, A. G., Holman, G. D., Dennis, B. R., LaRosa, T. N., Winglee, R. M., Benka, S. G., and Tsuneta, S. 1997, Critical Issues for Particle Acceleration in Impulsive Solar Flares, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 14631 (Invited Review)

  • Miller, J. A., and Dermer, C. D. 1995, Abundance Enhancements in Black-Hole Accretion: Application to Gamma-Ray Line Observations of the Orion Complex, Astron. Astrophys., 298, L13

  • Smith, D. F., and Miller, J. A. 1995, Alfven Turbulence Dissipation in Proton Injection and Acceleration in Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 446, 390

  • Miller, J. A., and Vinas, A. F. 1993, Ion Acceleration and Abundance Enhancements by Electron Beam Instabilities in Impulsive Solar Flares, Astrophys. J., 412, 386

  • Miller, J. A., and Steinacker, J. 1992, Stochastic Gyroresonant Electron Acceleration in a Low-Beta Plasma: II. Implications of Thermal Effects in a Solar Flare Plasma, Astrophys. J., 399, 284