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Attach extra sheet if necessary..Fill In Below Account Number(s) To be Charged:Index: Index No. Acct Code(Printed Name of Approver)(Signature of Approver)I hereby certify that:@ - there are no alcoholic beverages included in these expenses7 - I agree to the rate at which I am being reimbursedE - this voucher has been completed in compliance with University ofI - I have not been and will not be reimbursed for any of these expensesH - the travel and expenses indicated hereon were incurred by me in theSignature of TravelerPer Diem AllowedIn-State Travel TimesTravelers can not be forced to forfeit any per diem, but if you choose to forfeit all/partial per diem you must initial here._____Point of Contact: N - if charged to a sponsored project, my travel and effort can be identified@ performance of official University of Alabama in Huntsville9 business pursuant to travel authority granted to me.< Alabama in Huntsville policies and no expenses included+ herein have been previously submitted.N specifically with a high degree of accuracy to the same sponsored project by any other entity'Overnight trip (per day)-Acct code 7220|Note: Failure to adhere to the travel guidelines may result in vouchers returned to employees, causing delays in processing.'*Trip from 6 to 12 hours-Acct code 72152*Trip over 12 hours (not overnight)-Acct code 7215*IRS regulations require that all non-overnight per diem are subject to tax. 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